101 Ways To Stop The Money Leaks

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People are always trying to save money, especially with today’s economy. No matter what your reason for saving, through this ebook, you will discover ways never considered.

The price of everything has gone up, requiring people to be more conscientious about money. The problem is that by the time the mortgage, car, utilities, and credit cards are paid, there is little money to put aside. Saving money is not that hard, just a matter of learning all the different options and being creative.

In addition to the obvious of putting money into a retirement fund or savings account, there are hundreds of ways to save money. Although some ways of saving may not seem like much, once you add them up at the end of the year, you will see how substantial the savings really are.

Keep in mind that saving is more than a single lump sum of money put aside. Saving is something found in your everyday life by the way you live and the choices you make.

Rome was not built in a day and neither will your bank account be.

Each penny saved is one more penny than before. If you have the ability to save big, that is great. However, most people are not in that position, which is why this e-book will show you how little savings can add up quickly.

Be encouraged that it is never too late to start saving, regardless of your age. Set your mind that now is the time to start building your future.

Before we start I just want to remind you of the water pot analogy you read on the sales page before purchasing this book…

Imagine you have a huge water pot. Each morning you fill that water pot to the brim with lovely refreshing clean water HOWEVER you don't realize that the water pot has numerous leaks in it.

What happens?

Of course... During the day that water pot slowly runs empty because of all of the leaks. You come home from work dying of thirst and you go to your precious water pot and it's dry.

Sadly this is what we do with our money too... Unless we find ways to save it our financial life resembles very much that of the water pot.

Unless we plug the leaks there will come a day when we need to buy something but the money pot will be dry.

It all starts with plugging the biggest leaks first...

Plug just one big leak and that will keep the water and money pot fuller for longer. Manage to plug a few other leaks and your money pot will not be empty when you need it most.

1. Holiday Gift Giving

This tip is especially helpful for large families. Although it is fun buying for and receiving from everyone, it can be very expensive.

Make an agreement with your family that you will continue to buy for the children but that the adults will go with a name exchange.

This way the children are not disappointed and you can spend a little more on one or two people rather than spreading your money thin. For the members that you did not pick to exchange with, bake a loaf of their favorite homemade bread or cookies.

Here’s another way to give gifts to everyone for less then $1.00 each…

Do you own a computer?

If so the chances are you will have all the equipment you need to implement the following money saving gift strategy.

You will need to already own a computer, scanner or digital camera and CD burner.

The idea is to take photos… either with your digital camera or scan in photo’s from your existing album of your family.

Create a slide show and burn both the individual photos and slide show onto the CD. This will cost you less then $1.00 for each CD

and your family members will love it.

By having the individual photos on the CD your family members can print out there own images afterwards.

This is especially great if you have photos of major family events throughout the year such as reunions, gatherings and birthdays.

You could also create calendars and even video shows with the same content and burn them on the CD as well.

2. Clearance

Always head straight for the clearance rack where you can find amazing bargains. Sometimes you may have to dig a little to find the right item but the savings will be well-worth your time. Most clearance racks offer variety, current trends, and great value. For example, Bed, Bath & Beyond has a clearance section where you can find all kinds of wonderful household items for a fraction of the original cost.

Another great way to save money is to shop on the Internet.

There are big savings to be had from online auctions especially


Be careful to take into account the cost of shipping before buying a product this way.

Other huge savings can be made from online stores because in most cases you are purchasing direct from the wholesaler. Here is a list of just a few items you can save money on…

Top Selling Footwear

Hobbys and Toys

Contact Lenses



Baby and Nursery Items

Dental Coverage with Huge Savings!

Oriental and Persian Area Rugs


Womens Clothing

3. Thrift / Surplus Stores