The Pull Ups Guide For Everyone
















































The pull-up is one of the most iconic symbols of strength that there is. This king of all upper body exercises demands, that you have a command of your own bodyweight and can lift yourself up against the force of gravity at will. It is one of the most challenging exercises for many people, and for many different reasons.


Some people call the pull-up "The upper body squat". The reason for this is, that it is perhaps the greatest weapon you have in your training arsenal for building a muscular upper body including your biceps, forearms and back. Most guys that struggle with the pull-up will just ditch it all together and instead, stick with just lat pulldowns and rows. However, ignoring this critical exercise, will greatly limit the size you can put on.


The training systems, with it's unique twists on exercise shows you how you can not only start doing this exercise right away, but more importantly, start building the necessary strength. Our knowledge and your effort, will allow you to start cranking out sets of 10, 12, 15 or even 20 of this once difficult exercise on your way to all new growth.











My name is Tom. I am the founder of We are helping with men's image, style and fashion. As a gym expert and lover, I would like to share with You my knowledge and experience regarding pull-ups.


Have a nice read!










Your grip width on pull-ups and chin-ups can make a huge difference towards which muscles you are targeting when doing each exercise. Let’s start with the grip positions. There are three major grip widths, that you can assume when you grab onto the bar.




1. The first is the narrow grip where your hands are practically touching each other in the middle of the bar.




2. The second is the most common, shoulder width, where your hands are pretty much in line with your shoulders.




3. Finally, there is the wide grip in which your hands are placed far outside your shoulders.



These grip width differences can be seen on either the chin-up or the pull-up exercise. They have profound differences between them in terms of the muscles, that get targeted with each grip. You will learn, that varying the grip width, not just the underhand or overhand placement, can have a profound impact on the results you see from these exercises.
















Chin-Ups Grip


The underhand close grip




The underhand close grip width is great for hitting the biceps and back of course but will also preferentially involve the flexors of your forearms. This is because these muscles are at a mechanical advantage at this width, which allows you to shift some of the focus towards them. This could come in handy if your biceps are fatigued and need a little extra help from somewhere else.







The underhand shoulder width




shoulder width